Arm Pain
Pain Medicine Group
Interventional Pain Medicine & Sports Medicine located in Sarasota, FL & Oviedo, FL
If you have severe or ongoing arm pain and want relief, turn to Pain Medicine Group in Sarasota, Oviedo and greater Orlando area, Florida. Interventional pain medicine specialists can find the root cause of your discomfort and treat it to enhance healing and improve your quality of life. Call the Pain Medicine Group office to schedule an appointment or book one online today.
What is arm pain?
Arm pain is an uncomfortable feeling in one or more areas of your arm. It could result from an injury, disease, auto or work-related accident, or wear-and-tear due to aging. Arm pain could appear as:
- Dull, aching discomfort
- Sharp pain
- Throbbing pain
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Decreased range of motion
- Weakness
- Instability
- Radiating pain
You might notice visible deformities near the site of an injury. Arm pain can sometimes originate in other areas of your body, such as your neck or back. If you have radiating discomfort, particularly into your left arm, it could be a sign of a heart attack.
What are the common causes of arm pain?
A variety of factors can contribute to arm discomfort. Examples include:
- Fractures
- Wounds
- Reduced blood flow
- Joint inflammation
- Herniated disc
- Dislocation
- Disc herniation
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Heart attack
- Fibromyalgia
- Arthritis
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Tendinitis
- Sprains
- Tennis elbow
- Nerve problems
- Complex regional pain syndrome
- Degenerative disc disease
If you suspect your arm pain results from a heart attack, seek medical attention immediately. Additional signs of a heart attack include chest pain or pressure and shortness of breath.
How does my doctor diagnose the cause of my arm pain?
The team at Pain Medicine Group finds the cause of arm pain and develops an effective treatment plan. They discuss your symptoms and medical history, complete a physical examination, and may order blood tests, nerve tests, or a variety of imaging procedures, such as X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and ultrasounds.
What are common treatments for arm pain?
Depending on the cause, type, and severity of your arm pain, the Pain Medicine Group team could recommend one or more of the following treatments:
Home remedies
Things you can do at home for arm pain relief include using ice or heat packs, resting your arm, compression, elevation, and wearing a brace or sling if needed.
Pain Medicine Group offers a variety of injections to reduce inflammation and pain, better lubricate your joints, and stimulate your body’s natural healing response.
Wound care
Your provider offers stitches, tissue grafts, topical medicines, specialized bandages, and other types of wound care to speed up healing and reduce the risk of infection.
Fracture care
Fracture care at Pain Medicine Group may consist of casting, bracing, traction, or surgery if needed to repair a fracture, reduce pain, and ensure that broken bones heal properly.
Surgery is sometimes needed to remove, repair, reconstruct, or replace injured tissues in your arm and diminish pain.
Don’t live with severe or ongoing arm pain when help is within reach at Pain Medicine Group. Call the office to schedule an appointment or book one online today.
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Oviedo/ 1255 City View Ctr | Sarasota 2621 Cattlemen Rd, Suite 202 |