Remember to stretch.
Stretching is vital. A small amount of time spent stretching every day cannot only reduce back pain but can stop back pain from reoccurring or worsening over time. A gentle yoga program catered to you would be ideal; otherwise just trying out 5-6 different stretches targeted at stretching out the back muscles is an alternative. Try to hold each stretch for roughly 15 to 30 seconds for maximal benefit.
The importance of sleep.
Many people with low back pain claim to have trouble sleeping but studies have shown that adequate sleep is vital to decrease overall pain levels. Finding a position that is comfortable for your back is important. If you sleep on your side, try putting a pillow in between your knees. If you sleep on your stomach, try a pillow under the lower abdomen or pelvis. And if you sleep on your back, try a pillow under your knees. All of these moves are designed to take pressure off the back and allow for a more restful sleep.
Watch your posture.
Poor posture can lead to low back pain over time. Keeping the spine in a neutral position will maintain alignment and allow maximal flexibility. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Pay attention to how you hold your head. Are your shoulders held back or sloping downward? Is your back straight? It may be counterintuitive, but maintaining a strong core will help to maintain spinal posture and decrease low back pain.
If you're experiencing pain and want to know more about what options are out there for you, call Pain Medicine Group at 941-365-5854 and we will serve you at our 3 convenient locations in Orlando, Sarasota, and Ft. Myers.
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