3 Sneaky Causes of Knee Pain

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#1 - Improper Shoes
You can’t exercise because your knees hurt but your knees hurt so you need to exercise: it’s a vicious cycle.
So what do most people do? Rest. Limit physical activity so as to avoid pain.
What most people don’t realize is that too much rest can actually exacerbate knee pain. That old saying is true: Too much of anything is bad for you. And that goes for rest, too. It might seem like you are avoiding pain by limiting your activity, but in reality, too much rest can weaken the muscles surrounding the knee and make knee pain worse. Muscles like the quadriceps are intrinsic to the movement of the knee. In fact, most of the time when people say they “feel weak in the knee,” what they should be saying is that they feel weak in the quadriceps! Too much rest can cause the muscles surrounding the knee joint to weaken or even atrophy, which in the long run actually makes knee pain worse.
Stop living with knee pain!
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#2 - Too Much Rest
I can’t speak for other places, but here in Florida it can be hard to resist the urge to wear sandals every day. And while most flat, open sandals are comfortable for the feet, they generally don’t do much for knee pain. In fact, not enough cushioning or support in your footwear could be contributing to your knee pain.
Improper foot wear , that is, footwear without the appropriate cushioning, can make knee pain worse. Make sure your shoes have the right amount of support. Avoiding hard-soled shoes is helpful, but also make sure the cushioning is in the right place. You may benefit from being fitted for custom orthotics or special insoles that will provide the just the right amount of cushioning for your feet. Make sure your shoes aren’t making your knee pain worse.
Stop living with knee pain!
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#3 - Not Using A Cane
There are a lot of reasons why people avoid using assistive devises. Canes, walkers, and other devices can be cumbersome to carry about. They can also be difficult to get in and out of the car. And sometimes, it just shyness or vanity that is the limiting factor.
Many times, people use canes and walkers as a last resort and by that time, it’s too late. The damage has been done. A simple one-point cane can take a lot of pressure off the knee, which in turn can help decrease knee pain. It can also help you walk further and longer without pain, thereby getting the exercise you need to keep your joints supple and the keep the weight off. Don’t wait until you absolutely can’t walk without a cane. Use a cane as a tool to help you stay active.
Stop living with knee pain!
Call our Orlando or Sarasota offices to schedule an appointment today!
Orlando/Oviedo Location Sarasota Location
1255 City View Center 2621 Cattlemen Rd,Ste 202
Oviedo, FL 32765 Sarasota, FL 34232
(877) 456-PAIN
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